Hope in the moment of hopelessness


As much as it was meant to be a sucker-punch,

It appeared to be just a blow;

Heart is heavy, head is hot;

But explosives are still for wars, big wars;

How not worry about them vulnerable!

Why not drop a tear?

What is all this fear?

Who is for real?

Where do broken hearts go?

When will it all end?

Anger makes one ill;

But time does heal;

Hurt and get hurt;

So, let one hurt the self,

And just be a passive audience,

In all the theatrics,

Do no tricks;

Harm no one, but expect no return of favour;

Give without imagining to get;

Pay it forward and never collect the debt;

Let everyone view through their own lenses;

Fact, imposing is bullish;

And, emotions are foolish;

Basically, stay the same;

Hold on to your dream;

Don’t do fake;

 Keep them fingers crossed;

And wait for that miracle;

That is part of the promise

A promise never to miss

For the day will come

And all will be well. By petlwane Molotsi

To get more of these poems click: https://www.amazon.com/JastaPoets-Trick-Poetry-Petlwane-Molotsi-ebook/dp/B0B1XH5KCQ/